I’ve always had a preference for big tittied babes. Busty girls are just all around more fun. I never wanted to see a babe pull up her shirt to flash me some mosquito bites. I want to see big bouncy melons spill out of her shirt. I want her to tease me with them, caressing them and playing with her titties daring me to get a chub and knowing she’s driving me wild. That’s the kind of babe I like.
There are times when some sessions are just so fucking sexy that you wish you could watch them again and again, reliving every tantalizing moment. That is something that I used to think you had to go to traditional porn for. But then I discovered these recorded cams with big tits, and suddenly I got everything I wanted in one.
You see, I’ve long enjoyed cam shows because I like the fact that it’s real babes in real time. It just feels more authentic not to mention that the women are clearly having a great time stringing us along and making us beg for more. Now I get it all!